This is news that will keep you in the know about photo
enforcement cameras. meter scams,light timings locations
where these light are so we can be more alert. the point is to know our locations. And let others know as well it will
save some lives.
My name is John an affiliate marketer,infopreneur who was a truck driver that got feed up of working for money I love to snowboard/heli board,we have many stories to tell and we would love
for You to share Yours with the world. We love to travel.
Joe Scott Spokesman from Phantom Alert formally known as the makers the Photoblocker Spray. I was a New york City spokesman for this Magic Spray did three new Public Relations spots in the Mainstream NYC news. The Article in the New York Post was called The Great Plate Escape. The Spray was controversial back then and had two sometime three side arguments. Like Peter Rivera assembly man from the Bronx arguing Safety concerns of people running red lights the city set up in their favor by leaving less amber time for people to stop here is a post about Driving habits around red light cameras.
In the video below Joe Scott speaks with Fox 5 about the Phantom Alert System for drivers with GPS systems.
How do Red light cameras make you feel we want to know? Do these photo enforcement cameras make you feel safe or not please tell me your nightmare stories these need to be shared with others so they don't have the same problems in the future as we do now with these systems that my opinion whats yours.
Best Phantom Alert Holiday deals on the internet. Best Holiday deals on GPS Red light Camera finder from Phantom Alert
according to a few drivers i spoke to if the bus receives a red light camera ticket the driver must pay. Not only pay but also face a suspension. The problem with this is the bus is forty ft or more in length. Now as i said in other post the timing on some lights are faster the they should be on the Amber. This is done on purpose to generate mass profits for the system.
Problem two the bus is forty ft and even if we say the Amber's were correct and it was 4 seconds. A bus going at the speed limit who is driving under that light at first sign of Amber might not clear before that picture snaps although it has passed the intersection. the cameras are positioned to get the bus or car after it clears that point of safety.
Problem three this force the drivers to have to be nervous at these light. One bus i was on the other day was trying to figure out the light timing it change so fast the driver tried to stop only to stop in the middle of the intersection where cars would be passing . If these lights where not there the driver could clear the yellow on time. this is how they want you to feel in the intersection nervous so you slow down in the middle of a fast paced yellow sometimes the amber is illegal and unfair.
Problem 4 rear end collisions on the rise from the fear of passing a yellow light not a red see where the problem is here . and to charge a driver who has to feed his family and protect his or her passengers its just not right and to suspend that driver is anger some to me.
I will be trying to contact the MTA about this problem and will be bring it to you and the main stream news..
OK This is the craziest thing we at Traffic Camera News have ever seen. At the intersection of College Point Blvd & Lie service rd west bound. There is a Photo enforcement camera that must have givin a ticket to one crazy mother trucker. There must have been about 15-20 bullet holes in the back of this camera. Listen up people there is a better way to end this madness shooting thinkg up is just not fair game but what is fair games is the new Nav Alert system. This system will alert you two hundred ft before the photo enforced intersection.So you can ajust your self to the fast paced ambers that must red light cameras may have it's been proven by the main stream new media That doing this will make they photo enforcement system more money protect yourself!!!!!!
In li New york along merrick rd cameras on in place and ready to go to work to make the counnty lots of money. So if you live on the island becarful or buy a Nav alert gps system for your car. For more info contact me at
The people from the photo enforcement programs love the holidays. The holidays bring out more cars shopping and running around from place to place. Often these people have so much on there mind it's Hard for them to pay attention. With timings on lights the way they are now it's hard to watch for the wrong doings of these cameras.
So don't spend all the money on gifts you may have to pay some big fines soon enough.
My brother and i were driving and i stoped with front tires just over the white line. I seen the flash and look to see who set it off only to find that it might have tried to take my plate eventhough i stoped not in the cross walk but just over the white line by three inches. So if this is true they are really going to far as to fear us to stop then have a secret plan that even if you try to follow thier rules you will get fined from a ticket in the mail.